Identification Inside a Map
Identification Inside a Map: Overview
This Topic covers sub-topics such as Map, Directions in Map, North Direction in Map, East Direction in Map, Road Angles, Monuments in a Map, South Direction in Map, Longest Path in Map, Object Facing the Landmark and, Elements of Nature in a Map
Important Questions on Identification Inside a Map
A clock is so placed that at the minute hand points towards North-west. In which direction does the hour hand point at ?
Here is a map of a part of Delhi published by the Delhi Police advising general public to avoid highlighted roads on June to facilitate easy passage for ‘International Day for Yoga.’ Read the map carefully and answer the following question.
Which colour is used for the roads that are closed?
Here is a map of a part of Delhi published by the Delhi Police advising general public to avoid highlighted roads on June to facilitate easy passage for ‘International Day for Yoga.’ Read the map carefully and answer the following question.
In which colour is Rajpath shown here?
What do you see to the left side of Harsha's uncle's house?
What do you observe to the right side of Harsha's uncle's house?
What do you find behind Harsha's uncle's house?
What is there in front of Harsha's uncle's house?
Have you ever helped someone by giving them right directions to reach their destination? How did you feel?
Complete the map given below by indicating a narrow pathway connecting Chandpur and Chandanpur.
In the state map of Chhattisgarh try to identify the National Highway.
On the map of India find the road that links Bilaspur with Lucknow. Write the towns/cities that fall on route between Bilaspur and Lucknow.
Identify the longest route from the given map.
List the elements of nature present in the map given.
List the elements of nature present in the map given.
List the elements of nature present in the map given.
List the elements of nature present in the map given.
List the elements of nature present in the map given.
Identify the monument present among the given objects in the map.
Identify the monument present among the given objects in the map.
Identify the monument present among the given objects in the map.